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a. 雖然本網站盡力提供歐蒙的最新產品和服務信息及其他信息,但歐蒙不保證本網站上的任何信息準確、有效和適當。您自行承擔使用本網站所產生的全部責任和風險。信息可能包含技術偏差或排版印刷錯誤。歐蒙保留在沒有事先通知的情況下隨時對信息進行增補、刪減或修改的權利。歐蒙計劃定期更新本網站,但并沒有相應的義務。

b. 歐蒙未就本網站上的信息或內容做出任何形式或性質的陳述或保證。本網站上的任何信息不構成歐蒙的任何法定、約定或以其它方式做出的一切陳述和保證(不論明示或默示)。在任何情形下,歐蒙對任何形式或性質的任何損害賠償均不承擔責任,包括但不限于由本網站和/或本網站上的信息或內容引起或者與之相關的直接或間接損失。

c. 歐蒙對源自第三方(含與第三方網站相連的任何鏈接)的任何信息或內容的準確性、有效性、時效性和適當性不承擔責任,亦未做出任何保證。除非本網站另有其它規定,否則歐蒙不可編輯、審查或以其它方式控制第三方在本網站中提供的任何內容。因此,上述信息應被視為未經歐蒙認可。

d. 本網站可包含前瞻性信息,反映了歐蒙目前對今后活動和業務發展情況的期望值。前瞻性信息存在風險和不確定性。實際發展或結果可能與計劃存在較大差異,這將取決于各種因素,包括但不限于現行研究項目的成功、今后臨床試驗的結果、產品目前的商品化程度、產品的監管批準、專利的效力和執行、商務關系的穩定性以及一般經濟條件。用戶不應基于該等信息作出任何判斷或行動,歐蒙對此不承擔任何責任。


a. 不得破壞或截取本網站或歐蒙任何服務器上的電子信息,不得試圖避開本網站的任何安全設置,遵守所有適用的國家和國際法律、法規和條例。

b. 授權歐蒙根據本條款按其選擇的方式并遵照中國法律規定使用您上傳或以其它方式傳輸至本網站的所有內容,包括但不限于復印、展示、履行或以任何方式公布、修改、并入其它材料或者據此制作衍生產品。歐蒙在此向您明確告知,除雙方有特殊約定以外,由您通過歐蒙網站向歐蒙提供的個人信息或其他信息有可能由歐蒙在不違反網站隱私政策及國家法律規定的前提下與境內外的第三方組織或個人分享,一旦您使用本網站或同意受本條款的約束,即表示同意歐蒙對該類信息的分享。

c. 除非歐蒙事先明確聲明陳述并同意,否則當本網站的任何用戶向歐蒙發出口頭、書面或電子方式溝通時,歐蒙并不因此與用戶建立任何保密關系。如果任何歐蒙網站要求用戶提供上述信息,并且此等信息中包含個人可識別信息,則歐蒙應按網站隱私政策規定的方式獲取、使用和維護。否則,該等溝通和提交的信息應被視為非保密。歐蒙應按照中國法律的規定復制、公布或以其它方式為任何目的使用上述信息。向歐蒙發送任何信息的一方對信息內容承擔全部責任,包括此等信息的真實性、準確性以及不侵犯任何他人的所有權或隱私權。








歐蒙致力于保護您的網絡隱私。歐蒙了解隱私對客戶和網站訪問者的重要性。當您向本網站提交個人可識別信息時,歐蒙依據其商業實踐會確保所有收集個人信息的歐蒙網站的安全性,但無法保證通過Internet傳輸信息時的保密性。盡管歐蒙將采取措施防止未經授權的訪問或截獲行為,但無法做出絕對的安全保證。我們強烈要求您在通過Internet 傳輸個人信息時保持高度警惕,務必權衡利弊和風險、謹慎行事。此外,當您從受此隱私政策管轄的歐蒙網站鏈接到其他網站時,您應當首先查看該類網站的隱私政策,然后再提交個人信息。



Declarationof Privacy

EUROIMMUNChina is a wholly owned subsidiary of EUROIMMUN AG.EUROIMMUNAG is a wholly owned subsidiary of PerkinElmer, Inc.

This is thePrivacy Notice (the “Privacy Notice”) of PerkinElmer Inc. together with its affiliate companies andsubsidiaries (“PerkinElmer”),whose corporate headquarters is located at 940 Winter St, Waltham,Massachusetts 02451. This Privacy Notice is for public disclosure and to informcustomers, website visitors and other third-parties how PerkinElmer may usedata obtained from them.


PerkinElmeris a global leader committed to innovating for a healthier world. We providecustomers with an unmatched experience as they help solve critical issues,especially those impacting the diagnostics, discovery, and analytical solutionsmarkets. We bring together innovative technologies and application expertise tohelp scientists and clinicians address challenges, including through ourdetection and imaging capabilities, data analytics, and laboratory testing,research, and clinical solutions services (collectively “Services”).

PerkinElmerrespects your privacy. This Privacy Notice sets out how PerkinElmer collectsand processes your personal data when you access and use our Services, includingthe site www.perkinelmer.com (“Site”). This Privacy Noticealso provides certain information that is legally required and lists certain ofyour rights in relation to your personal data under applicable law.

We may amendthis Privacy Notice from time to time. We encourage you to check our PrivacyNotice regularly to understand how we may process your Personal Data.


2.1Personal Data

This PrivacyNotice relates to data about you and your interaction with our Services. “PersonalData” is information that can be used to identify you, directly orindirectly, alone, or together with other information. PerkinElmer collectsPersonal Data including, but not limited to, the following information: fullname, email address, phone number, precise location, device IDs, and certaincookie and network identifiers, social security number, payment cardinformation, driver‘s license number, full date of birth (month/day/year),salary, taxpayer identification number, passport number, financial accountinformation, medical or health information, genetic data and biometric data.PerkinElmer collects, uses, and discloses Personal Data as outlined in thisPrivacy Policy, including to operate the company; to perform and improve theServices and our business; for advertising and marketing; and to provide youproducts and the Services.

2.2How and When We Collect Personal Data

  • When you register for an account or interact with or utilize our Products or Services.
    We collect Personal Data when you use or interact with our Site and Services, including when you register with us, browse our products online, or make purchases from us. We will store the Personal Data that we collect from you in the course of these interactions, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, username and password, email address, date of birth, location data, and payment information. When you utilize certain of our Services, we may also collect certain health-related or biometric information in order to provide the Services.
  • When you communicate with us or sign up for promotional materials.
    We collect Personal Data when you communicate with us or sign up to receive promotional materials or information, including email address and phone number.
  • When we collect data from third parties or publicly-available sources.
    We may obtain certain data about you from third-party sources to help us provide and improve the Services and for marketing and advertising. We may combine your Personal Data with data we obtain from our Services, other users, or third parties to enhance your experience and improve the Services. Your medical or healthcare provider may send us your Personal Data so that we may provide the Services.
    When we leverage and/or collect cookies, device IDs, Location, data from the environment, and other tracking technologies.
    We may collect certain Personal Data using cookies and other technologies, such as web beacons, device IDs, geolocation, HTML5 local storage, Flash cookies, and IP addresses. We specifically use browser cookies for different purposes, including cookies that are strictly necessary for functionality and cookies that are used for personalization, performance/analytics, and advertising. Our Cookie Policy section contains more information and options to control or opt-out of certain data collection or uses.
  • When you apply for a job with us.
    We collect Personal Data from you when you apply for a job with us, as further described in the Employment Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice.
  • Users Under Age of Majority
    We do not knowingly collect Personal Data online from individuals under the age of majority without parental consent. If you become aware that an individual under the age of majority has provided us with Personal Data without parental consent, please contact us. If we become aware that an individual under the age of majority has provided us with Personal Data without parental consent, we will take steps to remove the data as permitted by law.

2.3How We Disclose Personal Data

We maydisclose your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Notice, including:

  • To Affiliates and Collaborators.
    With companies or ventures that are owned or controlled by PerkinElmer, and internally within PerkinElmer, in order to provide and improve Services, for marketing purposes, for advertising, and for analytics.
  • To Service Providers and Vendors.
    With business collaborators, marketing collaborators, and vendors to provide, improve, and personalize the Services. We may also disclose Personal Data to your medical or healthcare provider, at their direction, in order to provide the Services.
  • For Advertising and Marketing.
    With advertising and marketing collaborators for advertising and marketing purposes on PerkinElmer’s behalf.
  • For Certain Analytics and Improvement.
    With certain companies for purposes of analytics and improvement of the Services.
  • For Interest-Based Advertising.
    With companies involved in interest-based advertising. This advertising consists of PerkinElmer advertisements that are personalized for you and displayed on our sites and through other channels. For more information on how data is disclosed for advertising, see our Advertising and Analytics section.
  • For Legal Compliance, Law Enforcement, and Public Safety Purposes.
    As permitted by law, with law enforcement, government or regulatory bodies, lawful authorities, or other authorized third parties in order to comply with laws, regulators, court orders, or other legal obligations or to assist in an investigation, to protect and defend our rights and property, or the rights or safety of third parties, to enforce our Terms of Use, this Privacy Notice, or agreements with third parties, or for crime-prevention purposes.
  • Actual or Contemplated Sale, Acquisition, or Reorganization.
    In connection with a contemplated reorganization or an actual reorganization of our business, in connection with financing, a sale, acquisition or other transaction involving the disposal of all or part of our business or assets, including for the purpose of permitting the due diligence required to decide whether to proceed with a transaction.
  • Residents of the European Economic Area.
    Our disclosure is limited to circumstances where we are permitted to do so under applicable European and national data protection laws and regulations.

2.4Notice for PerkinElmer Employment Candidates and Applicants

For adetailed explanation of how we process Personal Data of individuals who applyfor a position with us (“Applicants and Candidates”), please reviewPerkinElmer’s Employment Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice.


If you havequestions or concerns regarding our Personal Data processing practices or thisPrivacy Notice, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at DPO@perkinelmer.com.


We collectand process your personal data for a variety of different purposes set out infurther detail below.

In somecases, we will ask for your consent so that we may process your Personal Data.However, in certain circumstances, applicable data protection laws allow us toprocess your Personal Data without needing to obtain your consent.

4.1Processing Personal Data Where Consent Not Obtained

In certaincases, separate consent is not required, including:

  • For the performance of a contract.
    To perform our contractual obligations to you, including our fulfilling orders or purchases you have made, contacting you in relation to any issues with your order, in relation to the provision of the Services, or where we need to provide your Personal Data to our service providers.
  • To comply with legal obligations.
    To comply with laws, regulators, court orders, or other legal obligations, or pursuant to legal process.
  • Legitimate Interests.
    To operate our business and provide the Services, other than in performing our contractual obligations to you for PerkinElmer’s “legitimate interests” for the purposes of applicable law, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data. Legitimate interests may include:
    • To communicate with you regarding the Services, including to provide you important notices regarding changes to our Terms and Conditions of use of the website and to address and respond to your requests, inquiries, and complaints.
    • To send you surveys in connection with our Services.
    • To assist in the investigation of suspected illegal or wrongful activity, and to protect and defend our rights and property, or the rights or safety of third parties.
    • To develop, provide, and improve our Services.
    • To enforce our Terms of Use or this Privacy Notice, or agreements with third parties.

4.2Matters That May Require Consent

In caseswhere we are not already authorized to process the Personal Data underapplicable law, we may ask for your consent to process your Personal Data,including:

  • Marketing
    We may ask for your consent to contact you by telephone, SMS, post and/ or email about other offers, products, promotions, developments or services which we think may be of interest to you and for other marketing purposes.
  • Sensitive Personal Data
    Certain of our Services may involve the processing of Sensitive Personal Data. If we collect Sensitive Personal Data directly from you, we will obtain your consent where required.
  • Research
    We may ask for your consent to use your Personal Data for research purposes, including for clinical studies.
  • Cookies
    We may also request consent for some cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

4.3Withdrawing Your Consent

You may atany time withdraw the consent you provide for the processing of your PersonalData for the purposes set forth in this PerkinElmer Privacy Notice, providedthat we are not required by applicable law or professional standards to retainsuch information.

ForApplicants and Candidates who wish to withdraw their consent, please follow theinstructions in the Employment Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice.

For all otherindividuals who wish to withdraw consent, please contact us.

If you wantto stop receiving future marketing messages and materials, you can do so byclicking the “unsubscribe” link included in our email marketing messages or by contacting us.

Our CookiePolicy, explains how to manage cookies.


We maycreate de-identified or anonymous data from Personal Data by excluding datacomponents (such as your name, email address, or linkable tracking ID) thatmakes the data personally identifiable to you or through obfuscation or throughother means. Our use of anonymized data is not restricted by this PrivacyNotice.


We willretain your Personal Data for as long as long as you maintain an account, asotherwise necessary to provide you the Services, or as required by applicablelaw, regulation or industry standard. We will also retain your Personal Data asnecessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforceour agreements.

Where we nolonger need to process your Personal Data for the purposes set out in thisPrivacy Notice, we will delete your Personal Data from our systems. Wherepermissible, we will also delete your Personal Data upon your request, asfurther described in the Data Subject Access, Modification, and Deletion Rightssection of this Privacy Notice.


Interest-basedadvertising is advertising that is targeted to you based on your web browsingand app usage over time. We disclose various types of de-identified informationto enable interest-based advertising. You have the option to restrict the useof information for interest-based advertising and to opt-out of receivinginterest-based ads.

We also usethird-party web analytics services. For example, ClickTale may record mouseclicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity as well as any text you type inthis website. ClickTale does not collect personally identifiable informationthat you do not voluntarily enter in this website. ClickTale does not trackyour browsing habits across web sites that do not use ClickTale services. Formore information see Privacy Policy for Information Collected by the ClickTaleWeb Analytics Service. We are using the information collected by ClickTaleservice to analyze user interaction and increase site usability for yourconvenience. You can choose to disable the Service at http://www.clicktale.net/disable.html.PerkinElmer uses other third-party web analytics services in addition toClickTale.

You can makedecisions about your privacy and the ads you receive. You can control whethercompanies serve you on-line behavioral advertising by visiting the DigitalAdvertising Alliance website and using its opt-out: http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ (U.S.) http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ (EU). The DAA opt-out requires thatcookies not be blocked in your browser.

As analternative to the DAA opt–out, you can also elect to block browser cookiesfrom first parties (such as those from our website) and browser cookies fromthird parties (such as advertisers) by using the cookie blocking options builtinto your browser software. If you block browser cookies, some parts of ourwebsite may not function correctly. Also, blocking cookies will not stopthird-parties from collecting IP address, data stored in "Flash"cookies, and certain other types of technical information that may uniquelyidentify your browser.


Due to thelack of consensus around a Do Not Track standard, our websites do not changehow they collect or track data when they receive the “Do Not Track” flag.


Our Site mayinclude social network sharing widgets that may provide information to theirassociated social networks or third-parties about your interactions with ourweb pages that you visit, even if you do not click on or otherwise interactwith the plug-in or widget. Information is transmitted from your browser andmay include an identifier assigned by the social network or third party,information about your browser type, operating system, device type, IP address,and the URL of the web page where widget appears. If you use social networktools or visit social networking sites, you should read their privacydisclosures, to learn what information they collect, use, and share.


In mostcases, we need to process certain of your Personal Data in order to fulfil ourcontractual obligations to you and to provide you with the Services.

Where we askfor your consent to process your Personal Data, you have the right to withdrawsuch consent as described in this Privacy Notice. Please note, however, that ifyou do not provide consent or if you withdraw your consent, we may be unable toprovide you certain Services that require the use of Personal Data.

Please notethat even where your consent would otherwise be required, we may neverthelessprocess your Personal Data in accordance with our legitimate interests underapplicable law, as described in this Privacy Notice.


PerkinElmerand associated Services and systems may be stored on servers in the UnitedStates. If you are located outside of the United States, please be aware thatPersonal Data we collect will be processed and stored in the United States, ajurisdiction in which the data protection and privacy laws may not offer thesame level of protection as those in the country where you reside or are acitizen.

By using ourServices and/or submitting your Personal Data, you agree to the transfer,storage, and/or processing of your Personal Data PerkinElmer in the UnitedStates. All data transfers by PerkinElmer to a PerkinElmer affiliate in theUnited States are conducted pursuant measures recognized by the EU Commission.


You have theright in certain circumstances to request confirmation from us as to whether ornot we are processing your Personal Data. Where we are processing your PersonalData, you also have the right to request access to, modification of, ordeletion of such Personal Data.

You have theright in certain circumstances to receive the personal data concerning you,which you provided to a us and have the right in certain circumstances totransmit such data to another controller.

To exerciseyour rights with respect to your Personal Data, please contact us. As permitted by law, we may chargefor this service and will respond to reasonable requests as soon as practicableand as required by law.


You may havea right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


We implementappropriate technical and organizational safeguards to protect againstunauthorized or unlawful processing of Personal Data and against the accidentalloss, destruction, or damage of Personal Data. Please be advised, however, thatwe cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with the storage andtransmission of Personal Data.

This PrivacyNotice only applies to PerkinElmer. Our Site or Services may provide a link orotherwise provide access to another website, mobile application, or Internetlocation (collectively “Third-Party Sites”). We provide these linksmerely for your convenience. We have no control over, do not review, and arenot responsible for Third-Party Sites, their content, or any goods or servicesavailable through the Third-Party Sites. Our Privacy Policy does not apply toThird-Party Sites, and any data you provide to Third-Party Sites, you provideat your own risk. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of anyThird-Party Sites with which you choose to interact.


Forquestions regarding your personal data, please email IPR@oumeng.com.cn.

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